Drake tr-4 transceiver manual
Drake TR-4; Drake TR Showing all 7 results Drake TR-7 Original VFO Knob Used $ Add to cart Quick View; Drake TR4 Transceiver Front Make Offer. Drake TR4 Transceiver Internal assembly parts lot $ Add to cart Quick View. Make Offer. Drake TR4 Transceiver Internal protector $ Add to cart Quick View. Make Offer. Drake TR4. View and Download DRAKE TR-4 instruction manual online. DRAKE TR-4 INFO. Year GENERAL DESCRIPTION. The R.L, Drake model TR-4 is a single sideband transceiver designed for the transmission and reception of upper and lower sideband signals on the 80 through 10 meter amateur bands, AM and CW capabilities are included. · Drake founded in Drake builds first shortwave radio, the 1A, in Drake builds first ham radio transceiver, the TR3, in Drake builds first consumer satellite receiver in Drake is featured in Wall Street Journal in Drake opens Canadian sales office in Drake opens European sales office near Barcelona, Spain in
You can download the manual for a Drake TR-4 transceiver from here. Be aware that the file is about 15mb, very large, so will take a long time to download, depending on your connection speed. It is an Adobe www.doorway.ru file, about 46 pages. TR-4 "printed" material PDF Files. TR-4 Early version - MANUAL, TR-4 without the noise blanker. The second page of the transceiver schematic is a little messed up. TR-4 Later version - MANAUAL, TR-4 with the noise blanker. TR-4 Review - from QST, Equipment Manual Section. Select pages by clicking on the individual page number or manual section from the menu on the left. The selected page will appear in this section of the screen. If you using a small display screen you will need to scroll left-right up-down to view the entire page. The document is scanned using dots per inch which.
Products 1 - 35 of 35 Instruction manuals and service manuals for Drake Radio equipment. This is the instruction manual for the Drake TR-5 transceiver. EXCELLENT condition, FINE working Drake TR-4C meter HF transceiver. Comes with original mint condition owners manual and hammarlund hand mic all. IX AC-3 Power Supply Instructions XI RV-3 Remote VFO Instructions The R. L. Drake model TR-4 is a single side band transceiver designed for.