Disk extended color basic manual
Deletes the filename you specify from the disk directory. You must include the extension with the filename. KILL"FILE/BAS" KILL"FILE/DAT:1" LINE INPUT #buffer, data Inputs a line (all data up to the ENTER character) from the buffer you specify. LINE INPUT #1, X$ LOAD "filename", R Loads the specified BASIC program file into memory from www.doorway.ru: Bill Gates. TRS Color Computer Archive. · An illustration of a " floppy disk. Software. An illustration of two photographs. Images. An illustration of a heart shape Donate. An illustration of text ellipses. More. An icon used to represent a menu that can be toggled by interacting with this icon. Getting Started with Extended Color BASIC ()(Tandy) Addeddate
area is used by TI Extended BASIC to keep track of sprite s. • Most programs written in TI BASIC will also run in TI Extended BASIC without difficulty. Under certain circumstances, however, such as using a TI Extended BASIC keyword as a variable in a TI BASIC program, programs written in TI BASIC may not run in TI Extended BASIC. An illustration of a " floppy disk. Software. An illustration of two photographs. Images An Getting Started with Extended Color BASIC ()(Tandy). If everything is connected properly, the screen displays the DISK EXTENDED COLOR BASIC copyright message. If it is not, the screen displays the EXTENDED COLOR BASIC message. This guide summarizes the commands you can use while in Disk BASIC.
and IBM Token-Ring Network. - Extended Graphics Adapter support is provided for enhanced modes via the PALETTE, PALETTE USING, and COLOR statements. - DOS. Aug TRS DISK. BASIC Faster TRS Model III/4 Operation and BASIC Language Reference Manual Getting Started with Extended Color BASIC. A curated list of awesome Tandy Color Computer development tools, software and resources. - GitHub - dougmasten/awesome-coco: A curated list of awesome.