Cenvat credit practice manual

Section 11B applies to refund of Cenvat credit also. Cases where provisions of section 11D are applicable. · As per section 11D(1), every person who is liable to pay duty and has collected any amount from the buyer in excess of the duty assessed representing as duty of excise, must deposit that amount to the credit of Central Government. Customs Board's Manual ; Customs Case Laws ; Service Tax. Service Tax - Acts Rules; Cenvat Credit Rules, ; Service Tax Notifications; Circulars ; Forms ; Service Tax - Manuals; Service Tax Case Laws ; Central Excise. Acts, Rules Regulations; CENVAT Credit Rules, ; Cenvat Credit Rules, CE Tariff/ Rate/ Classification. Cenvat credit is also available on the capital goods used in manufacturing of intermediate goods exempt from payment of duty so long as these intermediate goods are consumed within the factory of production and are further used in the manufacturing of the final products which are cleared form payment of duty. e.g. capital goods used in the preparatory stages of Cotton in a .

In the following case decision for reversal of Cenvat credit was taken - In Mafatlal industries v. CCE () ELT (CEGAT) case, it was held that the Cenvat credit availed on duty paid inputs has to be reversed if final goods are destroyed in fire and remission of duty paid on final goods has been granted. - Refund of amount paid under Cenvat Credit Rules - When price was inclusive of all duties and subsequently the price was reduced [ BWL Ltd. (4) TMI - CESTAT, NEW DELH ] G. Interest payable after three months from the date of application. VAT-Cenvat credit; VAT-Input vat credit; Here also i ’m giving Downloading links of study materials, practice manuals and other useful files. CA Final Study Material, Practice manual for May ; Download New Tax Amendments for CA IPCC, Final May ; Download All Accounting Standards for CA, CWA/CMA, CS Exams.

Interest free loans to Co-operative Societies. Full Powers Policy matters relating to accounting of service tax and correspondence thereon. The concept of 'input tax credit' (“ITC”)came into effect in sales tax law with the introduction of the Value Added Tax (“VAT”) system in order to. Microsoft Research Lab India Private Limited Vs Commissioner of Central Tax (CESTAT Bangalore) CESTAT find that the appellant has given.


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