4098 detectors sensors and bases application manual

Photoelectric Sensor with Sounder Base TrueAlarm heat sensors are self-restoring and provide rate compensated, fixed temperature sensing, selectable with or without rate-of-rise temperature sensing. Due to its small thermal mass, the sensor accurately and quickly measures the local temperature for analysis at the fire alarm control panel. Detectors Sensors And Bases Application Manual-PDF Free Download Fire Detection Consultants Guide Components of voice alarm systems - loudspeakers Components using radio links Carbon monoxide detectors - point detectors Multi sensor fire detectors - point detectors using both smoke and heat detection Multi- sensor fire detectors point. guide. For detailed installation information, refer to Detectors, Sensors, and Bases Application Manual (). Sensitivity Selection. The standard sensitivity detector is recommended for most applications. When a special application for a reduced sensitivity detector is required, the should be considered.

For detailed application information, refer to Detectors, Sensors, and Bases Application Manual, Part Number * * For detailed application information including sensitivity selection, refer to Installation Instructions 3 S 1/ FIRE Detectors, Sensors, and Bases Application Manual Rev. T. Detectors, Sensors, and Bases Application Manual. Rev. G Technical Manuals Online! - www.doorway.ru This page intentionally blank.

Detector Base is protected by US Patent No. 5,, All illustrations of actual detectors, sensors, and bases shown in this publication are artist's. Listado UL, ULC, CSFM; Aprobado por FM. – Compatible con , Base estándar de sensor. – Existen siete niveles de sensibilidad disponibles para cada. Refer to NFPA 72®, the National Fire Alarm Code® and publication , Detectors, Sensors, and Bases Application Manual, for additional guidance in.


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