243 wssm reloading manual

Win Super Short Magnum (WSSM) Load Data. 55 Grain. 70 Grain. 80 Grain. 85 - 90 Grain. 95 - Grain.  · I have loaded for the WSSM for quite some time. Right now with my twist Bartlein I’m loading grains of H with the A-Max. You may want to try some even slower burning powders like H, Rl, or H I loaded grains of H with the same bullet in my factory www.doorway.ruted Reading Time: 8 mins.  · I was just reading about WSSM in my Barnes Reloading manual, and they sound super cool. I only see Browning A-bolts WSSM, no longer in production, and Winchester M70, no longer in production (LH, that is). I heard if I could find a WSSM LH action, I could just rebarrel to the appropriate caliber, but I can't find ANYTHING, new or used.

WSSM / Winchester Super Short Magnum (Alliant Reloaders Guide ) reloading data with 12 loads. Using bullets from Speer HP, Speer SP, Speer BTSP. Powders include Alliant. You can read more about this load in the WSSM 95g Nolser Partition Handload journal entry. Oct. 15th I broke a decapping pin during development of the 95g Partition load and purchased another decapping/Tapered Expander assembly that is one thousandth of an inch larger in diameter. I have found that the Tapered Expander being one. Win Super Short Magnum (WSSM) Load Data. 55 Grain. 70 Grain. 80 Grain. 85 - 90 Grain. 95 - Grain.

Look no further than the Berger Bullets Reloading Manual. Loading your own ammo allows you to customize the seating depth to your liking and alter. After checking to confirm that the powder matches the reloading data and bullet selection, fill the powder WINCHESTER SUPER SHORT MAGNUM (WSSM). Hornady® Reloading Cartridge: WSSM Access features of the Reloading Handbook on your mobile device with the Reloading App.


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