Landscape maintenance operations manual

This Maintenance Manual will not only further your understanding of the basics of an irrigation system, lighting, lawn care, planting beds, trees and shrubs, drainage, hardscapes, and woodwork, but will also assist you with the identification and solution of .  · Starting New Lawns. Below I deal only with landscape maintenance proper. Given the scope of the topic, obviously this article can be nothing more than an outline, linking to resources (groundskeeping checklists, if you will) that provide a partial picture of what a groundskeeper may have to do. Even at that, it will only scratch the surface. GMRC L 2 Assigning and communicating responsibility for all aspects of the program. Reviewing program operations at least once a year so that deficiencies can be identified and revised as necessary.

Maintenance to accord with requirements of BS Duration: Carry out the operations in the following clauses from completion of planting. Frequency of maintenance visits: Monthly during growing season or as necessary to establish a high quality landscape. Grassed areas Cuts: Grass will be cut annually a minimum of 8 times GMRC L 2 Assigning and communicating responsibility for all aspects of the program. Reviewing program operations at least once a year so that deficiencies can be identified and revised as necessary. Standard Operating Procedures General Landscaping Maintenance a. Remove litter, debris, and trash from the landscaped and surrounding areas prior to mowing activities. Properly dispose of the materials in a designated receptacle. b. During blowing operations take care not to blow clippings, dirt, sand, or debris into storm drains or stormwater.

Inspection Contract Administration Manual for MnDOT Landscape Projects Weed control, soil cultivation, and surface water management operations are. general tasks: mowing, landscape care and installation, and area maintenance. As transitions occur, operations will continually be evaluated for improvement. 2 jun If not working properly, troubleshoot and then call OPP work reception desk to request a plumber. 3. Children's Garden Additional Tasks a. Clean.


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